CAP Kudos
Here's selection of comments about CAP and our programs!
Linda Wingerter, CAP grant recipient
Linda is a local multidisciplinary visual and performing artist and her company is
"I wanted to thank CAP for their tremendous support of Tompkins County artists, and to let you know how much your influence creates practical and inspirational effects that travel far into the future and into the rest of the community. I’ve been fortunate to receive the SOS grant twice, and the experiences it brought me have had direct, positive, multiple impacts on my career, including keeping me employed during the pandemic, against all odds. Those impacts have also rippled out beyond myself, in unexpected ways, and activated and connected other people in the county. I cannot thank you enough for providing the seeds that blossomed into such abundance! Not just for myself, but the many artists I meet and work with in Tompkins County who have also been supported, uplifted, and pushed forward in their work by you. Art is made better in a community of flourishing art, and flourishing art makes a better community. I’m grateful for all you do to make that so."
Anonymous Funder to our Grant Programs
Thank you for sending me Thank You notes from funded artists. Hearing what the artists have been doing, how our support has helped, reminds me what I already believe (but, also need reminders of): that supporting artists is something incredibly important and something I love to do! This made my day and made me feel like a helium balloon!
CAP Grant supported Artist Leanora Mims, textile artist
"I want to thank you for all the help you have given me in applying for CAP grants. I have always been an artist at heart and you have shown me how to step out into the Universe. You are always excited about my art projects and you consistently help me to make my artistic vision a reality. I would have never stepped out of my comfort zone and become this happy if not for your encouragement and for connecting me with like-minded professionals."
Greater Ithaca Art Trail Visitor
"I wanted to express my appreciation to you and all 6 of the artists that we visited on Saturday. You and every artist that we visited were gracious, hospitable, and so amazingly talented. Every artist was willing to share their creative process, their inspiration, their techniques, and their insights. The Greater Ithaca Art Trail is one of my favorite gallery tours because we were able to see the locations where the art is created, visit with the artist personally, and experience the creative environment that facilitates such amazing art. Thank you, again." (Image is Kari Zelson Robertson, ceramic artist with a studio in downtown Ithaca)
A Powerful Thank You from a Young Student
(upon visiting a CAP funded exhibit "Still I Rise" at the Tompkins County Public Library)
"This community needs more artistic displays like this one! My personal opinion is that all of the art work displayed here is these cases are more than beautiful and unique.
They are one of a kind pieces that show the positivity in one's self.
If more of our local members of society could, and would start connecting more throught programs like this one, I feel that there would be less violence and more love.
Thank you for allowing the community to view all of this wonderful art. " (signed - Future Artist and Book Author)